Entrepreneurs: 7 must-see movies for the summer

Ondernemers: deze 7 films moet je absoluut zien deze zomer

This summer, What The Franchise is on a mission to awaken the entrepreneur in you. So take a break during the summer and immerse yourself in our selection of must-see films for entrepreneurs.

Press Play and let yourself be inspired by the greatest self-made men and women of their time.

The Social NetWork

Mark Zuckerberg is more than just a divisive figure; he impresses as much as he disturbs. But there’s one thing you can’t take away from it: Facebook is a success story. What’s the story behind this digital giant? David Fincher’s The Social Network, released in theaters in 2011, presents the early days of young Mark Zuckerberg, still a Harvard student. More than just a biopic, the film, with its superb cast, has been hailed by the critics. It describes the rise of a computer genius, but also the loneliness that accompanies the creation of his empire. When asked about the veracity of the events portrayed in the film, Mark Zuckerberg himself said he was hurt by the scenario, which he felt did not reflect the reality of the facts. Fiction or reality? In any case, The Social Network is a film that every self-respecting entrepreneur must see.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Inspired by a true story, Martin Scorsese’s critically acclaimed The Wolf of Wall Street tells the story of a self-made man’s meteoric rise and then dizzying fall. Stockbroker Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, is no stranger to embezzlement, making his way to fortune with claws and teeth that scratch the floor. But success is short-lived, and he has to face the consequences of his fame. A crazy, must-see film.

Steve Jobs

Go behind the scenes of Apple and the digital revolution. Conceived as a play in three acts, this tasty biopic pays tribute to a genius of his time. Supported by an outstanding cast, the film is built around quality dialogue and incisive lines. As such, they are a perfect tribute to the ebullient spirit of Steve Jobs.

The founder

Another behind-the-scenes look at a world-famous success story. It’s McDonald’s turn to let us in on his little secrets in this film set in California in the 1950s. The hero, Ray Kroc, meets the McDonald brothers, who run a burger joint. Wowed by their concept, he offered to franchise their brand and went on to build an empire. In this film released in 2016, John Lee Hancock gives us a real lesson in entrepreneurship, detailing all the steps involved in building the McDonald’s model. Franchisors, this film is for you.

The strategist

The true story of former baseball player Billy Beane. Played by none other than Brad Pitt, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics is faced with a complicated situation: his team has again lost its best players. Billy Beane doesn’t give up, and decides to step outside the box. He hired an economist from Yale, Peter Brand, with whom he used statistical theories to assemble a team of “broken arms”. A great sports story that can easily be transposed to the world of entrepreneurship.


Still inspired by a true story, David O.Russel’s 2015 film depicts the journey of a woman determined to succeed. Despite her busy family life, she managed to build a billion-dollar empire. Played by Jennifer Lawrence, this determined mother overcomes many hardships to finally bring her invention to market: a revolutionary mop. This is a fine example of female entrepreneurship, highlighting women and their double life: businesswoman by day, mother by night.

In search of happiness

Based on the true story of Chris Gardner, this moving 2006 film by Will Smith deals with entrepreneurial motivation and the need to follow a dream. Sales representative Chris Gardner is struggling to make ends meet. His partner finds this precarious situation hard to bear and ends up leaving Chris and their five-year-old son, Christopher. Now solely responsible for his son, Chris struggles to find a job, but to no avail. Unable to pay his rent, he and Christopher find themselves homeless. In the midst of arguably the worst ordeal of his life, the hero doesn’t give up on his dream. A touching film depicting the journey of a self-made man determined to live his American dream.

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