What to expect from franchise training

Wat kun je verwachten van franchisetraining?

A key stage in the integration of a franchisee, well thought-out initial training is essential to the successful replication of a concept. It is the key to a sign’s uniformity and smooth operation. So what can the project owner expect from it?

By becoming a franchisee, an entrepreneur often discovers not only a new business sector, but also the profession of business owner. Fortunately, his franchisor is on hand to provide him with the knowledge he needs to run his business smoothly, particularly through initial training.

Passing on know-how

In addition to branding and support, the franchise model is based on the transmission of know-how. European exemption regulation no. 330/2010 of April 20, 2010 defines know-how as ” a secret, substantial and identified body of non-patented practical information resulting from the franchisor’s experience “.

Franchisees will draw on this know-how to develop their business. To pass on this know-how, the franchisor has two options, which are usually complementary.

  • The operating manual, which lists all the points that enable the chain to stand out from the competition, and the practices for replicating the success of the pilot unit.
  • Initial training, which goes beyond the know-how laid down on paper, gives franchisees the opportunity to acquire the brand’s best practices and values, as well as the basics of running a business.

While the franchisor is not necessarily obliged to carry out this initial training once the operating manual has been handed over, it should be noted that the success of the network largely depends on its content, duration and the care taken to ensure its quality. The training provided can thus be considered a full part of the franchisee’s integration process.

The cost and duration of franchise training

From one network to another, the cost, duration and content of initial training vary widely. A number of factors can influence these data: the business sector, the franchisor’s choices, and the franchisee’s previous experience, in particular.

From three days to 6 months, everything is possible, depending on the brand. Across all sectors, the average duration of initial training is estimated at 36 days, according to figures from the annual franchise survey conducted by Banque Populaire and the French Franchise Federation. Ideally, tailor-made training can save time by avoiding the need to revisit concepts that the project owner has already acquired through previous professional experience.

Training is often divided into theoretical and practical phases. The theoretical phase is used to learn the basics of the trade. During the practical phase, the new franchisee will put his or her knowledge to the test in the field, either in the pilot unit or in another outlet.

Most of the time, the cost is included in the entry fee, but it’s up to the franchisee to check that this is indeed the case! The average cost of training is estimated at between €400 and €700 per day. This price varies according to the equipment required and the people involved, depending on whether they are internal or external to the company.

Of course, it’s also essential for future franchisees to find out about the network’s training plan. This is a necessary step to find out more about the content of the training and what it will bring to his business. It’s also an opportunity to check whether it will be possible for franchisees’ employees to benefit from training with the brand.

The content of initial training

As explained above, initial training is an integral part of the integration process: in addition to the knowledge and know-how it will provide, it will help create links between the franchisor’s team and the franchisee, as well as between franchisees.

Depending on the activity, the main subjects covered are management, administration and administrative organization. The network will also focus on its own sales methods and/or legal aspects, marketing concepts, and of course the tools and software used on a daily basis by the brand.

At the end of the training, and possibly after a test of what has been learnt by putting it into practice in the field, the franchisee will have met the entire head office team and other franchisees, and will have imbibed the best practices, values and spirit of the network. So he’ll have all the keys he needs to get his business off to a flying start.

Far from being left to fend for themselves, the entrepreneur is very often supported by the brand in the early days of his business. Thereafter, a network coordinator should visit regularly to check that everything is running smoothly and that the brand image is being respected. Lastly, ongoing training sessions have been set up in many of our banners to update best practices and adapt to potential changes in the concept.

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