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  • Management: 4 tips from parents for good managers

    Becoming a franchisee also means becoming a manager: What The Franchise has selected the best management tips from the world of parenting.

    management tips
  • How and why become a multi-franchisee?

    Is it a good idea to open several franchises under the same or different banners?

    Hoe en waarom een multi-franchisenemer of multi-franchisenemer worden
  • How to successfully onboard a new recruit?

    The integration process is carried out step by step, according to a precise timetable. Don't neglect it: it's the key to double loyalty and to retaining more than half your employees 3 years later.

    Nieuwe werknemers: hoe zorg je voor een succesvolle onboarding?
  • How can you rely on other franchisees in the network?

    As a franchisee, you can draw on a network's greatest resource: your fellow franchisees. Here's how.

  • Convincing your franchisor that you are the ideal candidate

    To convince your franchisor, there are two fundamental prerequisites. What The Franchise tells you all about them.

    candidate franchise
  • How to boost your franchise network?

    franchisors have a responsibility to stand by their franchisees, supporting and boosting them. Several initiatives can be implemented.

  • How do you know if a franchise is profitable?

    Before embarking on the entrepreneurial adventure of franchising, it's important to know whether the concept is profitable. Several indicators need to be taken into account.

    Hoe weet je of een franchise winstgevend is?
  • Is a franchisee just another entrepreneur?

    What distinguishes a franchisee from an entrepreneur or business owner? To find out, we went to meet some experienced franchise entrepreneurs.

    Entrepreneurial Story
    Is een franchisenemer gewoon een andere ondernemer
  • Is a franchisee just another entrepreneur?

    What distinguishes a franchisee from an entrepreneur or business owner? To find out, we went to meet some experienced franchise entrepreneurs.

    Is een franchisenemer gewoon een andere ondernemer
  • How to pitch your project?

    L'Express Franchise has listed the top 5 tips for pitching your project from the M6 show "Qui veut être mon associé" (Who wants to be my partner?).

    Hoe pitch je je project
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