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group 583
  • The advantages of joining a young franchise network

    Joining a young network enables the first franchisees to participate in the evolution of the concept and to co-construct an entrepreneurial adventure.

    De voordelen van aansluiting bij een jong franchisenetwerk
  • Business owner: how to prevent the risk of burnout

    On the road to burnout, there are a number of warning signs. Or his close circle. Explanations.

    Personal development
    Bedrijfsdirecteuren: hoe het risico op een burn-out te voorkomen
  • Burn out in business: a serious but neglected issue

    1% of France's GDP is at stake through the health of business leaders, who pay little attention to the warning signs of burnout.

    Personal development
    Burn-out bij bedrijfsdirecteuren: een ernstig maar verwaarloosd probleem
  • Entrepreneurship in fashion: advice before you start

    At a time when competition is fierce in the fashion industry, L'Express Franchise has some advice on how to get started.

    Een modebedrijf beginnen: advies voordat je begint
  • Franchisor: how can you help entrepreneurs reveal themselves?

    To succeed in entrepreneurship, you need to be a boss! Profiles ready to embark on multi-franchising are welcome.

    how can you help entrepreneurs reveal themselves
  • Entrepreneur, how to succeed in public speaking?

    As an entrepreneur, you're often faced with the challenge of public speaking. But there's an art to speaking. Here are a few tips.

    Ondernemers, hoe maak je een succes van spreken in het openbaar?
  • “Multi-franchising is profitable”

    Partner at Franchise Management, Olivier Mignot has been helping networks grow for thirty years. Here he shares his advice.

    Expert opinion
    Multi-franchising is winstgevend
  • The franchisor-franchisee relationship: a marriage?

    Portrait of Mickaël Desmeure, who has made consideration, listening and benevolence the pillars of his relationship with his Pérénia franchisees.

    De relatie tussen franchisegever en franchisenemer: een huwelijk
  • Franchising: 3 levers to stimulate growth

    Franchising is a winning but highly competitive model, forcing brands to be innovative. Illustrations.

    De relatie tussen franchisegever en franchisenemer: een huwelijk
  • Franchising and city centers: a win-win partnership?

    As town centers are being revitalized, local authorities are becoming increasingly aware of the advantages of franchising...

    Franchising en stadscentra: een win-win partnerschap?
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