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“Multi-franchising is profitable”

Partner at Franchise Management, Olivier Mignot has been helping networks grow for thirty years. Here he shares his advice.
Expert opinion
Multi-franchising is winstgevend

Entrepreneur, how to succeed in public speaking?

As an entrepreneur, you're often faced with the challenge of public speaking. But there's an art to speaking. Here are a few tips.
Ondernemers, hoe maak je een succes van spreken in het openbaar?

How do you leave your job?

Here are a few useful tips to help you change smoothly and turn your former employers into your allies.
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What is the L'Express Franchise Media?

L’Express Franchise is the key player in the franchise universe. Much more than a platform connecting franchisors and franchise candidates, L’Express Franchise is also a media outlet. Articles, podcasts, videos, and white papers – every day, we offer inspiring content. Our ambition: to provide informed answers to all the questions that future franchisees might have. Soon, the franchise world will hold no more secrets for you!