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Franchising essentials

The franchise contract: Key clauses every franchisee must know

A franchise contract is the backbone of any franchising relationship, defining the terms, rights, and obligations of both the franchisor and the franchisee.
focus on the franchise contract

Am I the right candidate to open a franchise?

How do you know if franchising is the right fit for you? Success requires more than just enthusiasm; it demands specific skills, mindset, and preparation.
Am I the right candidate to open a franchise

2024 UK franchising: trends and insights

The UK franchising sector remains one of the most dynamic and adaptable parts of the economy. This annual survey serves as a barometer for trends within the industry.
2024 UK franchising: trends and insights
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What is the L'Express Franchise Media?

L’Express Franchise is the key player in the franchise universe. Much more than a platform connecting franchisors and franchise candidates, L’Express Franchise is also a media outlet. Articles, podcasts, videos, and white papers – every day, we offer inspiring content. Our ambition: to provide informed answers to all the questions that future franchisees might have. Soon, the franchise world will hold no more secrets for you!