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group 583
  • 10 resolutions to maximize your impact on networks

    Social media offer a unique channel for telling your story, sharing your successes and connecting with your customers, your community.

    10 voornemens om je impact op netwerken te maximaliseren
  • Artificial intelligence for franchisees

    Everyone has access to Franks hot dog, where everything is in place to make life easier for franchisees, thanks in particular to artificial intelligence.

    Kunstmatige intelligentie ten dienste van franchisenemers
  • The advantages of belonging to a global franchise

    In France, Signarama has 50 franchisees who benefit from the advantages of belonging to a global group. Sales Manager Sami Fossat explains.

    De voordelen van een wereldwijde franchise
  • 4 sectors to open a franchise in 2024

    For some entrepreneurs, 2024 will be the year they open their franchise. Here are 4 business ideas for opening a franchise in 2024.

    4 sectors to open a franchise in 2024
  • Become a Franchisee in 10 steps

    The process of opening a franchise is a step-by-step one. What are the steps involved in buying a franchise? We tell you all about it.

    10 stappen om franchisenemer te worden
  • Acquiring new franchisees: the relevance of digital technology

    The experts at Growth Room, a growth marketing agency, share their tips for running an effective franchisee recruitment campaign using digital technology.

    Expert opinion
    Werven van nieuwe franchisenemers: het belang van digitale technologie
  • How to choose your premises using data?

    At the last Club de la franchise breakfast, 3 guests discussed the subject of data and how to use it to find the right location.

    Real estate
    Hoe kunnen gegevens worden gebruikt om uw locatie te kiezen
  • Becoming a franchisee: questions to ask the franchisor

    To become a franchisee and make sure you make the right choice, you need to ask the franchisor the right questions during the recruitment interview.

    Franchisenemer worden: vragen aan de franchisegever
  • Will digital franchising be the platform of the future?

    The personal services sector is being shaken up by the emergence of digital platforms. They win consumers over with their speed and simplicity.

    Expert opinion
    Wordt digitale franchising het platform van de toekomst
  • Why choosing your premises has never been so important

    The choice of commercial premises is essential in franchising. The current retail situation and consumer habits make this a crucial step.

    Expert opinion
    Waarom het kiezen van het juiste pand nog nooit zo belangrijk is geweest
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