What financial assistance is available for new tenants of commercial premises?

Tax incentives and financial assistance offered to new commercial tenants play a crucial role in supporting and developing businesses.
What are the eligibility criteria and how can you obtain them? Explanations.

Financial assistance for new commercial tenants is designed to encourage the establishment of new economic activities by reducing the initial costs associated with setting up or taking over a business.
Rent subsidies are available for entrepreneurs wishing to open a retail outlet in city centers and Quartiers Prioritaires de la Ville (QPV).
This helps to boost regional trade.
Financial support takes the form of a subsidy with a maximum monthly ceiling of 500 euros.
This represents around 50% of the rent for the first year, with a 6-month bonus for the takeover of commercial premises that have been unused for two years.
Financial assistance is also available for work to bring the commercial premises up to current standards.

Which businesses are eligible for this subsidy and for financial assistance for new tenants? The subsidy is aimed at start-ups and takeovers, sedentary local businesses registered in the Trade and Companies Register, and businesses with sales of less than 1 million euros and a sales area of less than 300 m2. Innovative stores aiming to revitalize the town center and add value are also eligible for the grant, which has a ceiling of 500 euros per month. Branches, however, are not eligible. The financial assistance scheme for new commercial tenants is aimed at business start-ups and takeovers in areas designated as QPV (Quartier Prioritaire de la Politique de la Ville). The grant is awarded by an award committee (EPCI, Chambres consulaires and Communauté de communes) after examination of the application.

A number of tax breaks have been introduced by the public authorities to encourage and simplify business start-ups and revitalize town centers. One of these is an exemption from the cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE). Calculated according to the rental value of the property, it is available for the first year of business. Entrepreneurs are entitled to this exemption as of right, with no conditions attached. There are also tax breaks available, depending on the zone in which the business is located. In urban tax-free zones (ZFU), profits are exempt for 5 years. In ZRR (Zones de Revitalisation Rurale – Rural Revitalization Zones), exemption applies to profits, employer contributions, CFE and property tax. Tax benefits are also available in BER (Bassins d’emploi à redynamiser) and AFR (Aides à finalité régionale) areas. Each of these tax incentives has its own eligibility conditions.

Le recap

  1. Tax incentives and financial assistance for new commercial tenants are one way of supporting local businesses.

  2. It also promotes local economic development by encouraging the establishment of new commercial activities.

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