NEXEAU, to be pronounced [nexô] and not [nexéo], is a network of independent leak detection specialists. The first networked leak detection specialist.
£180 k
Expected revenue after 2 years
£45 k
Total investment
£5 k
Min. personal contribution
Founded in 2021 by Léo Langlois and Antoine Delaby, NEXEAU is the first national network of water leak finders. We support our members in all aspects of our business: training, equipment, business software suites, business referrals and assistance.
Our core business is to support the success of each of our franchised branches by integrating them into our powerful ecosystem, dedicated to their business and their success.
Our network and each of its members are committed to embodying this new generation of building professionals. Passionate, connected and professional, they are deeply involved in their profession and work every day to protect water and our real estate heritage.
We are looking for profiles with :
The water business, and leak detection in particular, has seen strong growth since the recent realization of the importance of this vital resource. The insurance and real estate industries are increasingly involved in water conservation, which is why leak detection has taken off. At NEXEAU, we’ve taken up the challenge of digitizing and energizing this business to embody this new generation of water professionals.
£ 5k
£ 0k
Entrance fee
£ 45k
Total investment
£ 180k
Sales in two years