What is a retailers’ association?

In France,shopkeepers’ associations are coordinated by the FFAC.
The FFAC represents nearly 6,000 businesses, forming an essential pillar of the local economy.
These non-profit associations act as a voice for the collective interests of their members, including franchises and other forms of business, interacting with local authorities to defend their rights and promote economic development.

The purpose of a retailers’ association

Structured with a board comprising president, treasurer and secretary, the primary aim of these associations is to defend and promote their members with local and national authorities.
They convey the demands of retailers to local decision-makers, influencing economic policies, urban planning and the organization of festive events.
At the heart of their actions is the enhancement of member businesses within a common strategy.

Why join a retailers’ association?

Membership of a merchants’ association offers active participation in collective decision-making for a moderate annual fee, usually around a hundred euros.
These dynamic groups of businesses draw their effectiveness from the dynamism of their volunteer members.
Financial contributions and regular attendance at meetings reinforce members’ influence.

The benefits of a trade association

In addition to raising the profile of individual stores, these associations also enhance the attractiveness of town centers.
Pooling costs and resources is part of the joint strategy, with initiatives such as multi-business gift vouchers and joint marketing campaigns.
These practices boost the local economy by attracting more customers and fostering loyalty.

Economic and sustainable development through the merchants’ association

Beyond their economic impact, retail associations play a vital role in economic and sustainable development . communities.
With its joint strategy, it encourages environmentally-friendly practices, supports fair trade and local businesses, and actively participates in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Le recap

  1. These non-profit organizations act as a voice for the collective interests of their members.

  2. Their primary objective is to defend and promote their members in dealings with local and national authorities.

  3. Membership of a retailers' association means active participation in collective decision-making.

  4. In addition to raising the profile of individual businesses, these associations help to make town centers more attractive.