How long does it take to sell a business?

The time required to sell a business fluctuates according to various parameters, not least the time needed to find a buyer.
An average period of 3 to 12 months is required if the seller’s desired selling price corresponds to the market price.
From the initial valuation to the finalization of the sale agreement and the lease, discover practical advice to optimize the efficiency of this transfer process.

How to sell your business quickly?

How quickly a business can be sold by finding the right buyer depends on a number of factors, particularly market demand, the quality of the business and the lease. A realistic and attractive valuation is essential to attract a potential buyer. Hire a business valuation expert to determine the true value of your business, taking into account profitability, assets and growth prospects.

A well thought-out marketing strategy can considerably reduce the time needed to sell a business and find a buyer . buyer.
Opt for online or offline strategies to boost sales.
Targeted ads and a presence on social networks can maximize the visibility of your offer.

When can the business be sold?

There is no universally ideal time to sell a business, as it depends on many parameters specific to each company.
Here are a few factors that can influence the optimal time to sell your business to a buyer.

Good financial health

It is often advisable to sell a business when it is in good financial health.
Positive balance sheets, stable profitability and growth prospects can increase the value of the business and attract serious buyers.

Market change

Changes in the market, such as shifts in consumer trends, can influence the decision to sell.
If your business is no longer aligned with market needs, or if a strategic opportunity arises, it may make sense to sell to a buyer.

Personal motivations

The seller’s personal motivations are also important in the timing of the sale.
Whether to retire, take on a new challenge, or for family reasons, it is vital to align the negotiation with the seller’s personal objectives.

What are the conditions for selling a business?

The transfer of a business involves a number of obligations, requiring a methodical approach to ensure the validity and legality of the transaction.
Prior to any negotiation, it is imperative to verify the capacity, authority and consent of the parties involved.
This preliminary step helps to avoid any subsequent disputes.

Informing employees is of crucial importance, particularly when the company has fewer than 250 employees.
According to regulations, these employees must be notified at least two months before the conclusion of the sales contract.
This communication can take various forms, such as a dedicated meeting or a bailiff’s notice.
This transparency is designed to safeguard employees’ rights and ensure a fair transition.

The elements of goodwill included in the waiver must also be exhaustively listed. This goes beyond the tangible aspects, encompassing also the elements essential to the very existence of the customer base and the lease. Precise identification of these components ensures mutual understanding between buyer and seller on the terms of the transaction.

At the same time, informing the mayor’s office is an obligatory step.
In certain specific cases, the mayor’s office has a two-month period in which to decide whether to exercise its right of pre-emption on behalf of the commune.
This administrative step is designed to ensure coordination between local stakeholders and respect for community interests.

The deed of sale is followed by a promise to sell.
These preliminary documents define the terms and conditions of the transaction, establishing a formal framework for the rest of the process.
This is an important step, as it anticipates the reciprocal commitments of the parties prior to completion of the sale.

Finally, the deed of sale itself must be carefully drafted, including precise legal mentions to guarantee the legal validity of the transaction.
These legal provisions help to protect the rights of both buyer and seller, establishing a clear and secure framework for the transfer of the business.

Can you sell your business without a lease?

The sale of a business generally involves the transfer of the leasehold rights.
However, it is possible to sell the business without including the transfer of the lease. commercial.
In this case, the assignor retains ownership of the leasehold rights, giving only the clientele and other tangible and intangible elements of the business to the purchaser.
Despite this possibility, certain lease clauses prohibit the isolated transfer of leasehold rights.
There are, however, specific situations in which such resignation is permitted, such as when a tenant retires, or in the case of a one-man limited liability company (EURL).
Sometimes, a right of first refusal clause is included in the commercial lease, giving lessors the option of acquiring the business on a priority basis.
In such cases, the lessee of a commercial space must notify the owner of the lease by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt (LRAR).

Franchising: An option to consider when selling a business

Franchising may also be an option to consider when selling a business.
This is a business model in which the seller can transfer not only the business, but also the brand’s reputation and the franchisor’s ongoing support to the buyer.

How do you set the price of a business for sale?

Since every transaction involves a sum of money, establishing an appropriate selling price requires a thorough analysis of the company’s financial statements, a valuation of assets and liabilities, and a clear understanding of the market.
Business valuation programs can help automate this process and provide accurate estimates.

The time it takes to sell a business implies a set of rigorous obligations that ensure the transparency and legal security of the transfer process.

Le recap

  1. An average lead time of 3 to 12 months is required if the seller's selling price corresponds to the market price.

  2. Hire a business valuation expert to determine the true value of your business activity.

  3. It is possible to sell the business without including the transfer of the commercial lease.