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Fiches pratiques

Fiches pratiques

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Toutes les fiches pratiques

  • What is goodwill?

    Buy a business on sale to acquire its tangible and intangible assets.This allows you to benefit from its location and clientele.

    Franchise dictionary
  • Franchise definition

    Find out more about the franchising concept.In this unique model, the franchisor shares his know-how and trademark with another company.

    Franchise dictionary
  • The different forms of commerce: definitions

    Find out how to choose the right form of business and the different types.Traders can opt for franchises or independent businesses.

    Franchise dictionary
  • Everything you need to know about goodwill

    Explore the nuances of goodwill, between tangible and intangible elements.Focus on the customer base, an essential factor in its dynamism.

    Franchise dictionary