Growth sectors for franchises in Spain

Groeisectoren voor franchising in Spanje

The franchise industry in Spain has demonstrated impressive resilience and growth, as highlighted in the recently published “Informe de la Franquicia en España 2024” by Tormo Franquicias Consulting and Franquicias Hoy and in the report “La Franquicia en España” by the Asociación Española de Franquiciadores.

So, in this article, we will delve into the growth sectors for franchising in Spain and offer valuable information for those interested in establishing or expanding their franchise businesses.

Fortunately for all those interested in franchising, the franchise model in Spain continues to thrive. In fact, it is showing strong growth in several sectors. According to the aforementioned “Spain Franchise Report 2024”, the franchise system in Spain has experienced remarkable progress.

Moreover, since this year, it has 136 new franchises, 8123 new franchisees and an increase in turnover of 9.6% to 33,203 million euros.

But that’s not all, because not only the franchisees get their benefits, but the population also wins. This growth has generated more than 400,000 direct jobs, underlining the franchise sector’s important contribution to the Spanish economy.

The restaurant industry

As usual, one of the fastest growing sectors for franchises in Spain is the restaurant industry. The sector includes a wide variety of subsectors such as fast food or restaurants and cafeterias, all of them with continuous growth and innovation.

Thus, the sector has more than three hundred brands and more than ten thousand establishments that generate a turnover of 7146 million euros and provide more than 120,000 jobs. This steady growth is driven by high demand from entrepreneurs and investors, not to mention the constant influx of new business models that require varying levels of investment.

And what are the key factors that make the restaurant industry one of the most promising growth sectors for franchises in Spain? Well, mainly, the sustained high demand for gastronomic options, both informal and luxury. Likewise, innovation, constant adaptation and the introduction of new concepts are always in line with the evolution of consumer tastes. Finally, it is worth mentioning the wide range of investments. Opportunities range from high-investment franchises to more accessible and economical models.

The food sector

The food sector is another of the pillars of the franchise industry in Spain. Of all the sectors, it is the one with the highest turnover, with 8,900.7 million euros, and has more than thirteen thousand establishments throughout the country. If you think about it, it is completely logical, since the strength of this sector is attributed to its staple nature, which guarantees a constant demand from consumers.

In its subsectors, we can find supermarkets and grocery stores, which have always proven their resilience, even during economic downturns or pandemics. In addition, it also has stores specializing in specific foods, such as the niche markets of organic foods, vegans, etc., which are gaining more and more ground.

The specialized services sector

When we refer to specialized services, we are talking about those that cover a wide range of businesses, such as real estate agencies, beauty and esthetic centers, gyms, clinics, business services, etc. This sector has more than 36,000 businesses, illustrating its dynamic nature and broad appeal. And no wonder, because they offer countless advantages to new franchisees.

For example, the low initial investment of some business models, which attracts new entrepreneurs looking for affordable entry points. On the other hand, the diversified offer covers a wide range of services, such as personal care or business consulting, which caters to the diverse needs of the market. Finally, it is one of the sectors with the greatest support for the franchisee. And this emphasis on training and support helps new franchisees succeed.

The specialty retail sector

This sector is characterized by its continuous evolution and innovation. It includes a wide range of businesses such as fashion, electronics and household goods. Specialty stores have more than four hundred franchises and more than forty thousand businesses, which contribute significantly to the overall turnover.

As you have seen, both reports highlight the solid growth and resilience of the franchise sector in Spain. Foodservice, food, specialty services and specialty stores are at the forefront of growth sectors for franchising in Spain, and show significant potential for current and potential franchisees. For this reason, whether you want to start a new franchise or expand an existing one, the Spanish franchise market offers a wealth of opportunities in a variety of sectors.

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