How to successfully onboard a new recruit?

Nieuwe werknemers: hoe zorg je voor een succesvolle onboarding?

Appreciated by employees, praised in the media, adored by HR, onboarding is becoming the sexy new issue in recruitment and employer branding. The integration process (in French) is to make a special place for new talent when it joins the team. The right idea is often proposed in formats adapted to large companies, where the HR team and managers design a tailor-made course. Fine, but what about small businesses?

When you’re a company director, CFO, HR manager… it’s not easy to create and implement efficient, satisfactory and rapid processes. We’ll give you the keys to creating a process that’s adapted to your constraints, but which is also pleasant for your new employee.

Successful integration of new employees is a step-by-step process, following a precise timetable. Don’t neglect it: it’s the key to double loyalty and to retaining more than half your employees 3 years later.

From pre-boarding to the first year, there are a few key moments to cherish if you want to make the integration of new employees a success.

Integration begins before the first day on the job

At the promise of employment stage, we can only encourage you to send the first information by email: practical information (hours, access, parking, badge, etc.), contacts (team, manager), work tools and legal documents (insurance, dress code). In this way, the young recruit can get informed and make decisions before setting foot on your premises.

The first day on the job: because you never get a second chance to make a good first impression

Integrating a newcomer is a two-pronged approach right from the start: operational integration and human integration.

For this reason, the head of the company or the manager needs to set aside time for training in the tools: workstation, technological environment, on-site machines. All this is necessary to make it easier for him to take up his new position. And, of course, the basis for integration – contracts and paperwork – is ready.

Let’s move on to human integration. A new employee joins a company, but above all a team. Formally introducing him/her to the other talents, explaining how he/she will interact with everyone and what the hierarchical links are, enables him/her to efficiently mesh the workings of your structure, familiarize him/herself with his/her new working environment and get to know the team members.

The first week: support your newcomers

If the opportunity hasn’t arisen on the first day, try to organize a breakfast or lunch with the whole team, so that everyone can get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. This will help to forge initial links and ease working relationships.

At the same time, as a company manager, you spend an hour or two on your first interview with the new talent. You present your structure, how it works, its products and/or services, and its habits. You share your business plans, your ambitions and the company’s mission. That way, they can see the big picture and understand how their work contributes to the success of your joint project.

The first month: time for the first assessment

After 30 days at your side, it’s time to find out what the new employee thinks! Take a moment together to listen to his questions or comments and share your initial feelings. Depending on the time you have to devote to it, you can do a full interview or a lighter version.

Take note of your elements and his, reread with a clear head and see what you can play with. At the same time, think about integrating your young recruit into your media: your social networks, your catalog, your website… And make him his own business cards if need be. The onboarding process concludes with the first annual interview: this is the moment to compare the project with reality, to assess the integration, to note any increase in skills, and to share feelings (on both sides).

To simplify the onboarding process, there are new digital tools to support you. Alternatively, you can create your own. Create a system that suits you and your employee, that’s not too restrictive, but still committed.

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